ADC Seasonal veggies, fruit, dill, herbs, garlic, rhubarb, plants, flowers, jams, pickles, preserves.
Buzzy Beez Honey
La Biquetterie Various cuts of Goat meat, sausage, Pet treats and Artisan Crafts
Harmony Gardens Celery,Fresh Garlic, Beets, Turnips, Swiss Chard, Fresh Herbs, Kimchi, Honey Garlic, Garlic Powder, Pesto.
Jardins Stonefield Onion, sweet potatoes, preserves, cherry tomatoes, mini sweet pepper, cabbage, potatoes, zucchini, green onion, kale, green beans.
La Fermette du Pape heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot chili peppers, eggplants, zucchini, carrots, beets, kale, onions, leeks, ground cherries.
Lost Donkey Farm Basil seedlings, variety of herb bundles, hot peppers, turnips, Jellies, Relishes, Chutneys, Hand-Poured Beeswax Candles, Pillars, and Tapers.
Parachute Farm Radishes, Celeriac, Salad Greens, Kale ,Swiss Chard ,Flat Parsley ,Curly Parsley ,Thyme, Sage, Rosemary ,Mint, Lemonbalm, Holy Basil ,Italian Basil, Dill ,Calendula, Pie Pumpkins ,Tomatillos ,Ground Cherries, Hot Peppers, Sweet Peppers, Eggplant, Garlic, Flowers.
Robin’s Florals Great variety of Homegrown Cut flowers in Bouquets
Trillium Meadows – Red Deer & Wild Boar Products
Boulangerie Mira Several varieties ofLong Ferment Sourdough breads, apple strudel, Berliners, Sausage rolls, Fougasse (olive or cheese), Bourek (meat or cheese phyllo), and pies.
NEW VENDOR! Gourmet Cuisine Egyptian foods (ready to eat)
Jim’s Homestyle Bakery Sweet and savoury Baked Goods.
Ruby Treats Huge variety of Amazing Dehydrated Treats for Pets.
The Birdhouse Lady Whimsical Birdhouses Handcrafted with recycled materials.
Heather Bees Thrifts Upcycled décor and personal accessories.
Paula’s Embroidery Tea towels, aprons, table runners and place mats.
Market Fundraising Table:
Fresh brewed Market Roast Coffee, Market Roast Coffee Beans,
VKH Stickers , Organic Cotton Bags for Bread and Produce, and
Vintage style Market String Bags! Pickle Patch Soap